Because facial revitalization acupuncture is an elective procedure and not designed to treat illness or disease, it is not covered by insurance. Treatment plans will typically consist of 24 treatments over the course of 8-12 weeks. The current promotional price of this treatment plan is $1700 for the first 25 patients to schedule. This includes all 24 treatments plus your initial evaluation and consultation. After our initial promotion, price will to increase to $3260, so call (217)391-5446 today to lock in your promotional rate!

In addition to acupuncture, nutritional supplements may be recommended to see maximum benefit. Nutritional supplements are not included in the price of the treatment plan.

To schedule your initial consultation and evaluation, call us at (217) 391-5446 or request an appointment here.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us heretext us by clicking here.

Please answer the screening questions below to see if you are a candidate for facial revitalization acupuncture.